*Attend Code4Lib Southeast 2018Registration for the conference
<https://goo.gl/forms/laB3AEIG3G3BT8bB2> closes this Friday, July 6th --
don’t wait to secure your spot! The conference registration is limited to
90 people, and lunch and morning and afternoon coffee will be provided.If
you’re traveling and plan to stay overnight, the Code4Lib Southeast 2018
<https://wiki.code4lib.org/Southeast_2018> conference page includes
information about local hotels and restaurants. You can see the exciting
line-up of sessions on the conference schedule
<https://wiki.code4lib.org/Southeast_2018_Schedule>.You don’t have to be
from the Southeast to attend the conference. About Code4LibCode4Lib is
about more than code and libraries. It’s for anyone who works with
“technology stuff” in libraries, archives, or museums. Code4Lib Southeast
<https://wiki.code4lib.org/Southeast> aims to foster collaboration in the
Southeast Code4Lib community.The Code4Lib Southeast 2018 Conference is
sponsored by Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
<https://www.auctr.edu/> and Georgia State University Library