My esteemed listmates,
We're planning on hosting a 3D Pen event at our library.
I've spent a couple of hours trying to find cool graphs to put on our
flyers and pixabay, pexels which can be great haven't been so far.
I've seen some kinda' low level graphics and we want our flyer to pop
so patrons see it and say - "Wait, you can make THAT just with a 3D
I've watched a few YV videos of amazing artists but we don't want
people to get frustrated trying to do what a super talented artist can
draw either.
Have you found any cool 3d Pen graphics?
I found this book (not in ILL) "3 Doodler: "What Will Your Create" Project Book.
Did you find that book helpful?
Thank you so much!
Charlotte County Public lIbrary