Dear colleagues,
I write with one last reminder regarding the *American Archivist *call for
proposals on user experience. This is a call for proposal submissions for a
special section in *American Archivist*, illuminating the wide-ranging
spectrum of user experience topics and initiatives in the archives field
today. This special section is slated for the 2026 Spring/Summer issue of
the *American Archivist *and aims to showcase the importance of user
experience work to the wider archival community.
*So: we seek proposal submissions from authors with a variety of career
experiences and diverse perspectives related to user experience work. The
editorial team especially encourages submissions from first-time authors
and early-career archives and special collections professionals, as well as
from colleagues working in nonprofit organizations; HBCU
<>s, and/or HSI
public libraries; museums; and community archives*.
Proposals should include a tentative title and an abstract of no more than
500 words. More information about submission types is below, in my earlier
message. Proposals will be reviewed by the editorial team, following *American
Archivist *editorial policies. *Please use this google form
submit your proposal. The deadline for proposals is February 1, 2025*, and
inquiries can be sent to Betts Coup, a member of the editorial team, at
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*Editorial Team*
*Faith Charlton*
Lead Processing Archivist, Special Collections Firestone
Princeton University Library
*Alison Clemens*
Director, Access Services and Operations
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Yale Library
*Betts Coup*
Head of Archival Operations
Technical Services for Archives and Special Collections
Harvard University Archives, Arts, and Special Collections
*Shaun Ellis*
Library Software Engineer
Princeton University Library