"Editing PDFs": First, you need to better define what you mean by "editing". I recognize at least 7 levels of "editing" (Form-filling, Creating/printing, Markup/annotation, OCR indexing, Rearrangement, Content editing, form creation). To my knowledge, the only one of those that requires a commercial software package (Acrobat Pro or other software) is form creation. I shared it a few years ago, but attached is a copy of our wiki page on "Working with PDFs" with some suggestions for other software to do most things.
Digital signing of documents is a sticky wicket. In my limited experience, outside of a large organization, most "signed" documents are actually only "stamped" with a signature that the signee is claiming is authentic. There is no actual verification that they are who they say they are. If that is all you need, then Adobe Reader will do just fine. If you need authority-verified signatures, I can't help you. My University has yet to really figure that one out.
"Edit PNGs, JPGs": There are lots of graphics editing programs out there capable of doing all most people need. My personal free favorite is Paint.NET. Any program is going to have a learning curve, but if the vast majority of patrons can learn to do what they need with Paint.NET, then they can use that tool any time in the future on any future (Windows) computer they might own. Sure, you can spend a bunch of money on "the best" and get Photoshop (furthering Adobe's abusive monopoly status) and get your patrons skilled up on it, but what happens when they want to do some graphics editing in the future? They have to either shell out ridiculous $$ or re-learn on something else anyway.
A good place to investigate alternatives to other software is https://alternativeto.net/. Filter by OS and license and you have an excellent starting list of possibilities.
Anyway, that's my $.02. I'll get off my soapbox now.
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 20:57, Charles Meyer eloquently inscribed:
> My esteemed listmates,
> A new year and it's the Dewey's version of fast & furious!
> Does your library offer any Adobe products besides Acrobat Reader?
> Standard for editing pdfs?
> Pro - protect, and sign documents.?
> Photoshop - edit PNGs, jpgs?
> Kind of pricey for a small public library for patron use.
> I searched Trusted Reviews and Goolged trust but didn't find
> satisfactory vetting of tinywow.com
> Would tinywow or other free solutions adequately substitute for Adobe
> products?
> Can anyone vouch for tinywow.com?
> Thank you so much,
> Charles.
> Charlotte County Public Library