Hi, all,
We're doing a spring 2025 Ohio Comics Wikidata Edit-a-thon (Virtual).
Wikidata<https://www.wikidata.org/> is a free and open knowledge base that provides structured information. It can be edited and understood by both humans and machines making it a powerful resource for Wikipedia<https://www.wikipedia.org/> and related Wikimedia<https://www.wikimedia.org/> projects. It's also possible to extract Wikidata information for analysis and visualization.
Wikidata edit-a-thons provide fun and rewarding opportunities for people to add and edit Wikidata. In collaboration with Michigan State University's Graphic Possibilities<https://graphicpossibilities.hcommons.org/> series, University Libraries is hosting a session focused on comics published in Ohio.
We love data and comics! Let's get editing! This event will be held virtually and is open to the public. Registration is required, but you can come-and-go throughout the event as your schedule allows.
Event details and registration link: https://library.osu.edu/events/ohio-comics-wikidata-edit-a-thon-virtual
Thank you,
[The Ohio State University]
Annamarie C. Klose, MLIS
Metadata Initiatives Librarian
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University Libraries
120B Library Tech Center, 1165 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212
614-292-3257 Office
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> / library.osu.edu<http://library.osu.edu/>