On behalf of the Islandora Foundation, we invite submission of proposals
for IslandoraCon 2025, taking place July 14-17, 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada
on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with options to
present and attend online.
The theme of IslandoraCon 2025 is: All in on Islandora.
IslandoraCon brings together a community of librarians, archivists,
cultural heritage collections managers, technologists, developers, project
managers, and open source project enthusiasts in support of the Islandora
framework for digital curation and asset management.
We welcome proposals on a wide range of topics related to managing
collections with Islandora, developing Drupal modules and software support
for Islandora, and Islandora community initiatives and interests. These may
Digital accessibility
Workflows, policies, and training
Multimedia viewers and displays
Institutional repository requirements, migrations and integrations
User testing
Bots, site performance, and security
Drupal versions, updates, modules, and potential integrations
Islandora architecture and affordances
Digital preservation workflows and integrations
Digital exhibits
Assessment and metrics
We anticipate having a variety of session formats, including lightning
talks (5 minutes), individual presentations, panel discussions, and longer
workshops, training, or troubleshooting sessions. Sessions will be 25 or 50
minutes, which includes time for questions. The planning committee is open
to additional suggestions for session formats – in your proposal, please
indicate what kind of format you think will best fit your topic and
presenters. All sessions will be streamed and/or recorded.
If you have an idea for a session and are looking for co-organizers or
co-presenters, please post in the IslandoraCon 2025 Slack channel
Deadline for session proposals: February 14, 2024. Please use this Google
form <https://forms.gle/evK99y7rSdRYQLit8> for proposal submissions. If you
have questions about proposal format or submission, please post in the
2025 Slack channel <https://app.slack.com/client/TLL690XEU/C07BZDFLN3S>or
email IslandoraCon 2025 chairs Cory Lampert <[log in to unmask]> or Cary
Gordon <[log in to unmask]>. We look forward to seeing you there!
Cary Gordon