Thank you, Eric! Congratulations.
Margaret Alexander | Core Systems Librarian (she/hers)
University of Oregon | Libraries
Knight Library | 1501 Kincaid St 97403-1299
541-346-1864 (vm)
[log in to unmask] |
Please note: I work from home M-F, 8-4:30 PST
-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Eric Lease Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 5:41 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia
Here is some Code4Lib mailing list administratativia.
The mailing list is twenty-one years old, and I supose it is now old enough to vote. :-D There are about 3,800 subscribers from all over the world. The largest email address domain is, and I suspect most subscribers are from the United States. Archives of the list's postings exist at:
From the charter:
The purpose of code4lib is to provide a forum for discussion of computer programming in the area of libraries and information science. Subscribers are welcome to discuss the application of particular programming languages and to discuss the general issues, techniques, philosophies, and even history of programming for and in libraries. There are other venues such as web4lib, xml4lib, perl4lib, but this list hopes to encourage the holistic use of programming languages, and to provide useful discussion on how to select the right tool for your particular job. Hopefully everyone will learn a thing or two along the way...
But now-a-days, the list is much more general and about the overall use of computers in libraries.
The mailing list is an implementation of the venerable LISTSERV software, and it is generously hosted by the Digital Library Federation (DLF) / Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR). [INSERT CHEERS OF APPRICATION AND ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE HERE.]
Two more things that seem to have gotten lost to the ether. First, people posting to the list are expected adhere to the Code4Lib Code Of Conduct. See:;!!C5qS4YX3!FZThFEnjIQxTrT34fI7nsWJgn9O0Oz1n5_44XSc_2XTHWoqiPRBNE1PBLpsuD68AaUGWdH5Hm_6qQUEylEjivsdLTg1kY-2MlbA$
Second, and similarly, the mailing list is not a bulletin board of lore. Instead, it is a community of real people who are expected to take responsibility for what they say. In that vein, when you post messages, please sign your name and affiliation so bits of provenance can be garnered about you; the LISTSERV software probably obfuscates your email address and anonymity is discouraged.
Eric Morgan, Mailing List Owner
University of Notre Dame