Artificial Intelligence is already being embedded library system
solutions deployed in Higher Education. At the moment AI is being used
to enhance resource discovery and also metadata creation tools.
The revised AI page in Higher Education Library Technology (HELibTech) summarises the
discovery and metadata tools already in production. It also summarises
other AI tools for students and researchers that help to discover,
analyse and write content and provides some definitions of AI
(The aim of HELibTech ( is to provide a
starting point for anyone interested in library technology in Higher
Education. The primary focus is the technology used in UK Higher
Education libraries but most of the issues will be relevant elsewhere.
Content on the site (though not external content) is open access, public
domain (CC0 licensed) so feel free to use and re-purpose it).
Ken Chad Consulting Ltd. Tel +44 (0)7788 727 845 Email:
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