If they've been using the laptop for any amount of time at all during
the last year or more, Windows would have either nagged them to upgrade
to Windows 11 or get a new computer because it won't take Windows 11.
I noticed that Windows update doesn't tell that information any more or
at least doesn't every time like it used to.
On 2/28/25 7:15 PM, charles meyer wrote:
> [ External Email ]: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.. When in doubt, contact your IT Department
> My esteemed listmates,
> Have you found a tried and true method or site which informs you if a
> specific Dell laptop will work with W11?
> It’s a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop and when I connect to the Dell “Detector”
> site it just says it will work if the laptop is compatible.
> Several Googled results also state it will work if “compatible.
> That’s precisely what I’m asking – is the laptop compatible it W11 or not?
> Thank you,
> Charles.
> Charlotte County Public Library
Tim McMahon
West Liberty Public Library