Irma - There will soon be a c4l journal article on a conceptual model
called "OpenWEMI", developed by Dublin Core.
It's not specific to bibliographic data, but it is derived from FRBR.
I'd be happy to present it to the interest group some time. We also MAY
have a Dublin Core webinar on the topic this year. If so, I'll post the
info here.
Karen Coyle
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On 2/26/25 12:14 PM, Fraticelli, Irma wrote:
> [With apologies for cross-posting]
> Dear colleagues,
> Join the Bibliographic Conceptual Models Interest Group on Wednesday, March 5 at 3pm CT for a presentation on use of a Reference Ontology (RO) to address semantic misalignments between the BIBFRAME and RDA/LRM ontologies. Use of a reference ontology for semantic mediation is distinct from creation of a metadata application profile and from transformative techniques such as metadata crosswalks. The presentation will feature reference-ontology use cases for data from the Library of Congress and National Library of Spain.
> Presenter Helena PatrÃcio is a Research Assistant at the Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Centre<> (ISTAR-Iscte) of the University Institute of Lisbon, and works as librarian at the Information and Documentation Center of the Portuguese Film Archive and Museum<>. She was Director of Special Collections Services at the National Library of Portugal<> from 2012 to 2024, during which time she was responsible for the National Digital Library<>. She holds a master’s degree in Information Studies and Digital Libraries, and is currently a PhD student with research interests in the semantic web and linked open data.
> Registration:
> The session is free and open to all. The presentation will be recorded and will be made available following the session.
> Best regards,
> BCMIG Co-Chairs: Emily Baldoni, Benjamin Riesenberg
> BCMIG Co-Vice-Chairs: Irma Fraticelli, Xiying Mi
> --
> Irma Fraticelli (she/her)
> Metadata Analyst
> Resource Discovery Services
> Technical Services
> Yale University Libraries
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