Proposals for Core Forum have been extended by a week. Join Core Forum 2025
at the Denver Hilton City Center for an incredible opportunity to celebrate
the diverse and interconnected library work of you, our Core members. From
November 12-14, 2025 we’ll engage the collective expertise of presenters
and participants, facilitating thought-provoking conversations over two
days of presentations, table-top exhibits, and poster sessions. Core Forum
provides a place to build and foster relationships with colleagues through
exciting networking activities.
Consider submitting a proposal for a thought-provoking and highly-relevant
to practitioners presentation in the following areas:
Access and Equity
Buildings and Operations
Leadership and Management
Metadata and Collections
Proposals will be evaluated on the following points:
Relevance to the Forum’s program tracks and audience
Opportunities for learning and applicability to current library trends
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
We encourage diversity in presenters from a wide range of backgrounds,
libraries, and experiences. We deliberately seek and strongly encourage
submissions from underrepresented groups, such as Indigenous peoples,
women, people of color, the LGBTQA+ community, and people with
disabilities. We also strongly encourage submissions with presenters from
public, school, and special libraries.
Vendors wishing to submit a proposal should partner with a library
representative who is evaluating/using the product or service.
Presenters will submit final presentation slides and/or electronic content
(video, audio, etc.) 10 days prior to the event for accessibility reviewing
and to be made available online following the event. Presenters will be
able to register at a discounted rate and participate in the Forum as
Ready to submit your proposal? Complete the Proposal Form
the Sunday, March 9, 2025 deadline. To preview the 2025 Core Forum proposal
questions before starting the form, please download the questions here.
Questions can be sent to the Forum Planning Co-Chairs or Core Staff:
Michael Holt, Core Forum Planning Committee Co-Chair, [log in to unmask]
Cate Sering, Core Forum Planning Committee Co-Chair,
[log in to unmask]
Julie Reese, Core Executive Director, [log in to unmask]
Tom Ferren, Core Deputy Executive Director of Learning and Events,
[log in to unmask]
Amy Swartz
Head of Library Technology
Columbia Law Library