Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
"It might be a good idea, but maybe not with the Code4Lib name. But I worry
in general we don?t collectively know enough about what makes good software
to give a Software of the Year honor reliably."
Karen Schneider wrote:
"On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, just to note, there was a
breakout session at C4L where quality issues of OSS were discussed;"
I respectfully disagree: I don't see this as a software quality award.
I would suggest some criteria for judging software for this
award. Software that is:
1 being used by a significant portion of the community
2 filling a significant need
3 having a positive impact on the community
4 supportive others participating/collaborating
5 responsive to the community
6 (to a lesser extent) innovative
7 <your criterion here>
I also have no problem with an award with code4lib on it. It is just
saying that the awardee software has been found to be <see
1,2,3,4,5,6,7... above> by the code4lib award committee.