I haven't seen a friendly use of SPARQL (or search in general), and
would love to see one -- especially one that combined library data and
any other data set (geographic, whatever). It does seem to me that the
search aspect of SemWeb is still a bit weak. In my imagination, it
allows me to do the kinds of things I can do with Yahoo Pipes, which
is to mash-up data from various sources and then do something
interesting with it. My usual example (heck, my only example) is to
answer the question: What's the earliest edition of [book title]? A
simpler one would be: Who wrote [book title]? What I want is to get an
answer, not a gazillion bibliographic records.
Quoting Roy Tennant <[log in to unmask]>:
> David,
> Could you elaborate a bit? In my mind, the only "semantic web technology" of
> any note is "linked data". How that fits into "library search" is anyone's
> guess, and I'm wondering what, specifically, you're referring to when you
> say that Talis is active in this area.
> If you are asking about library linked data, then there are several
> examples, most notably the Library of Congress[1], the Swedish Union
> Catalogue [2], and OCLC[3][4]. I believe that a minimum both the Library of
> Congress and OCLC plan on releasing more linked data sets.
> So can you elaborate a bit more on what, exactly, you're seeking? Thanks,
> Roy
> [1] http://id.loc.gov/authorities/
> [2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.culture.libraries.ngc4lib/4617
> [3] http://dewey.info/
> [4] http://outgoing.typepad.com/outgoing/2009/09/viaf-as-linked-data.html
> On 10/28/09 10/28/09 € 7:31 PM, "David Kane" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I was wondering if anyone was aware of semantic web technologies being
>> used in the context of libraries and library search?
>> I know that Talis are active in this area. Does anyone have links to
>> any specific resources or projects that they know of in this area?
>> Thanks,
>> David.
Karen Coyle
[log in to unmask] http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet