I am wondering if anyone has experience working with students
(particularly CIS students) in service learning projects involving the
library. I am currently supervising four first-year students who are
working on a brief (10 hour) project involving the usability and
redesign of the homepage as part of a first year seminar course.
Obviously we won't get the whole thing done, but it is providing us with
some valuable student insight into what should be on the page, etc.
I anticipate the CIS department's first-year experience program will
want to continue this collaboration, so I'm trying to brainstorm some
projects that might be useful for future semesters particularly for
freshmen who are just beginning their course of study in computer
science, information technology, or information systems. This semester's
project was thrown together in only a few days and I would like to not
do that again! Ideas would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Ellen Knowlton Wilson
Instructional Services Librarian
Room 250, University Library
University of South Alabama
5901 USA Drive North
Mobile, AL 36688
(251) 460-6045
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