So far some brave folks have indeed indicated that, but without
specifying any particular incidents.
It seems to me it might be helpful if the actual incidents were related
in some anonymous way (perhaps anonymous both to reporter and to
'offenders' involved)... because if the rest of us knew what was going
on, we could be more alert to seeing it and stopping it (including
possibly observing such behavior in ourselves and stopping ourselves for
doing it, now that we realize how hurtful it can be).
I realize some people have related incidents that happened at places
other than code4lib, and perhaps that ought to be sufficient, but,
clearly, many of us can think "Oh, but that probably doens't happen at
Code4Lib," even if it does.
I also realize that this can quickly turn into a giant mess, which is
why I'd suggest that any such stories be very vague and entirely
anonymous as to all parties involved, to make this not a tribunal about
particular incidents but just information sharing about "Here are some
things that have happened at code4lib related to gendery stuff, that
made some people uncomfortable, just so you know what we're talking about."
There doesn't need to be ANY discussion of the issues, and I think
probably best if there isn't actually.
But honestly, I've been scratching my head since Bess first brought this
up, and Bess mentioned that harrasment-y incidents have happened at
code4lib, and I'm thinking "Really? I haven't heard of them or seen
them. Am I just really unobservant? Or am I seeing things but not
realizing they are offensive? Or what?"
I think it would be helpful to all of us wanting to stop such things
from happening to know a _bit_ more specifically what sorts of things
have happened.
Is this a good idea, or just a disaster trainwreck lying in wait? If
it's a good idea, we could easily set up a wiki page where people can
easily anonymously describe incidents (again, what I'm going for is NOT
calling specific people out, but just giving us an idea of what it is
that has happened that we're trying to stop from happening, you know?)
On 12/18/2012 6:41 PM, BWS Johnson wrote:
> Salvete!
>> because they can't find an SO are outliers. C4l is a tech event. Do
>> women really get treated that shabbily there?
> I'm guessing this is a yes, since several brave folks have indicated
> it. It doesn't mean that *you* are an offender, but it's clearly
> happening, or at least known to have happened in past.
> Cheers, Brooke