I'll jump in with, from a curriculum standpoint, making sure there are a
variety of class levels offered. When I went through my graduate
program there was assistance for people who'd never used email, attached
documents, created Powerpoints--basic level stuff that was taught by
myself and other GAs on a 1-on-1 usually, and there were classes for
people who were already systems administrators/programmers/etc.
The only mid-level class offered during my tenure was a course on
database design and XML. It has proved the most useful class I took.
While I imagine the curriculum has changed in the past few years at my
alma mater, identifying and having regular offerings for different
levels of familiarity would be important to me were I considering
programs again.
Abigail Goben
Assistant Information Services Librarian and Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences - Chicago (M/C 763)
1750 W. Polk Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612