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CODE4LIB  August 2013

CODE4LIB August 2013


Re: Separate library CMS systems vs Campus-wide CMS systems (was [CODE4LIB] LibGuides: I don't get it)


Julia Bauder <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 14 Aug 2013 09:36:02 -0500





text/plain (177 lines)

Why can't it be both? Just because the library has its own Web server
(something I would never, ever give up, mostly for Michael's reason #5),
that doesn't mean some of the library's content can't be part of the main
institutional Web site. That's what we do here. All of the relatively
static content--policies, guidelines, "About Us" type information,
etc.--lives on the College's Web site, as does content that benefits from
being able to draw on other College systems -- e.g., the library staff
directory and calendar of events. However, we still run a couple of
"specialized library CMSs" on our own Web server for content types that
benefit from special handling: Archon for our archival collections, and
SubjectsPlus for our subject and course guides. As much as is practical I
try to keep a relatively consistent look and feel across all three systems
(as well as the library catalog, our public-facing Serials Solutions pages,
the IR, etc.), so patrons think of the whole ball of wax as "the library
web site" no matter which specific system they're really using.



Julia Bauder

Social Studies and Data Services Librarian

Grinnell College Libraries

1111 Sixth Ave.

Grinnell, IA 50112


On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Joshua Welker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Does anyone have any suggestions as to where the library should or should
> not compromise when it comes to using an institutional CMS rather than a
> custom library one? We are going through this process right now. Our web
> pages are currently all in static HTML and LibGuides. I am wanting to move
> to Drupal, and campus IT wants us to move to their Adobe Contribute
> platform. AFAIK, Contribute does not allow for any server-side scripting
> and does not have any sort of plugin system, and I am very concerned that
> Contribute would harm the library's ability to effectively integrate its
> online resources into a single web portal (server-side caching, indexes,
> scheduled tasks, etc).
> I know the answer to this question is "it depends," but I am hoping others
> can share the fruits of their experience.
> Thoughts?
> Josh Welker
> Information Technology Librarian
> James C. Kirkpatrick Library
> University of Central Missouri
> Warrensburg, MO 64093
> JCKL 2260
> 660.543.8022
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
> Jimmy Ghaphery
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:49 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] LibGuides: I don't get it
> I have followed this thread with great interest. In 2011 Erin White and I
> researched many of the issues the group has been hitting on, demonstrating
> the popularity of LibGuides in ARL libraries, the locus of control outside
> of systems' departments, and the state of content policies.[1]
> Our most challenging statement in the article to the library tech
> community (which was watered down a bit in the peer review process) was
> "The popularity of LibGuides, at its heart a specialized content
> management system, also calls into question the vitality and/or
> adaptability of local content management system implementations in
> libraries."
> One of the biggest challenges I see toward creating a non-commercial
> alternative is that the library code community is so dispersed in the
> various institutions that it makes it difficult to get away from the
> download tar.gz model. Are our institutions ready to collaborate across
> themselves such that there could be a shared SaaS model (of anything
> really) that libraries could subscribe/contribute to? The barriers here
> certainly aren't technological, but more along the lines of policy,
> governance, etc.
> As for Research Guides in general, I see a very clear divide in the
> public/tech communities not only on platform but more philosophical. From
> the tech side once it is all boiled down, heck why do you even need a
> third party system; catalog the databases with some type of local genres
> and push out an api/xml feeds to various disciplines. From the public side
> there is a long lineage of individually curated guides that goes to the
> core of value of professionally knowing one's community and serving it.
> [1]
> best,
> Jimmy
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Galen Charlton <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 6:53 AM, Wilhelmina Randtke <[log in to unmask]
> > >wrote:
> >
> > > There's not a lock-in issue with LibGuides, because it's used to
> > > host pathfinders.  Those are supposed to be periodically revisited.
> > > One of
> > the
> > > big problems is that librarians will start a guide and never finish,
> > > or make one then never maintain it.  Periodically deleting
> > > everything is a good thing for pathfinders and subject guides, and
> > > people should do it anyway.  No one's talking about tools for
> > > digital archives, which have
> > lock
> > > in issues and are way more expensive.
> > >
> >
> > Lock-in doesn't have to be absolute to be effective, it just has to
> > has raise the bar sufficiently high to make users think twice about
> > migrating away.
> >
> > This applies even if the data to be moved is transitory and constantly
> > changing.   For example, if a library has been diligently updating their
> > pathfinders, but wants to switch platforms, if there were no way to
> > export them to load into the successor system, the effort of redoing
> > them or doing a lot of copy-and-pasting could be prohibitive.
> >
> > As a general statement -- and I know that this battle has been
> > bitterly fought in the ILS space -- I believe that *all* library
> > software services, whether based on F/LOSS software or proprietary
> > software, should provide a way for the library to obtain a full dump
> > of their data, in an accessible format, at no additional charge.
> >
> > I see that LibGuides advertises the ability to make local backups of
> > individual pages and also provides (via a paid add-on module) an XML
> > export function.  I don't know if SpringShare will also provide free
> > one-time exports on request, but I would hope they do.
> >
> > Of course, even if one has the data in hand, data migrations can still
> > take a lot of time, effort, and expertise.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Galen
> > --
> > Galen Charlton
> > Manager of Implementation
> > Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
> > email:  [log in to unmask]
> > direct: +1 770-709-5581
> > cell:   +1 404-984-4366
> > skype:  gmcharlt
> > web:
> > Supporting Koha and Evergreen: &
> >
> >
> --
> Jimmy Ghaphery
> Head, Digital Technologies
> VCU Libraries
> 804-827-3551

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