Although the note here doesn't say, ShEx is the "companion" standard for
RDF validation, parallel to SHACL but that is not essentially using
SPARQL logic, which is what SHACL is based on, via TopBraid's SPIN
ShEx is now incorporated into WikiData as its validation code.[1] It
allows you to validate WikiData entries "on the fly".
ShEx has a compact syntax, ShExC, that you can see in the examples in
the primer. There is *still* no primer for the ShExC schema language (or
the JSON serialization, ShExJ) and I will continue to lobby for those
because I think they are greatly needed - perhaps the wikidata community
will do this? or has? (I can't find it...)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ANN] Shape Expressions 2.1 release
Resent-Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2019 06:52:42 +0000
Resent-From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2019 08:52:10 +0200
From: Dimitris Kontokostas <[log in to unmask]>
To: Semantic Web <[log in to unmask]>, Linked Data community
<[log in to unmask]>, ShEx Public W3C- CG <[log in to unmask]>
The ShEx community group is happy to announce the release of ShEx 2.1.
The new ShEx release consists of three deliverables:
* Shape Expressions Language 2.1
* Shape Expressions Primer 2.1
* Shape Expressions Test Suite 2.1 including 1089 validation tests,
99 negative syntax tests, 14 negative structure tests and 432 schema
conversion tests between ShExC, ShExJ and ShExR(*).
The test suite has an Implementation Report including 4 of the 5
ShEx 2.1 is backwards compatible with ShEx 2.0. The major changes include:
* `START` clauses in imported schemas are now ignored instead of
throwing an error
* Added IMPORT functionality (round-trips between ShExC, ShExJ and
* Added language support in value sets.
* Updated definition of semantics to clarify recursion.
* Added annotations and semantic actions to node constraints.
* ShExC grammar allows ()s around simple TripleConstraints.
* Added hundreds of tests of schema, validation and structure tests.
* Multi-line comments (/* … */).
ShEx is running as a W3C community group and is open for everyone
interested in the language and the related technologies to join at
Best regards,
Dimitris Kontokostas, Andra Waagmeester on behalf of the ShEx W3C CG
(*) Sample of test additions since v2.0:
* schema tests -
* Validation tests -