On Oct 18, 2021, at 11:20 AM, McDonald, Stephen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Using Dublin Core, is there a way to express size measured in words?
> I believe that the value would be "100 MB" rather than "100". The units are part of the value in extent; it has no meaning without the units. <dcterms:extent> is equivalent to the 300$a in MARC--a text string specifying the extent, including units.
> --
> Steve McDonald
Okay, thank you, then I might write:
<rdf:value>100 MB</rdf:value>
<rdfs:label>100 MB (compressed)</rdfs:label>
But if I use such an expression, then a computer must parse "100 MB" to denote the units, but computers are stupid and people are inconsistent. This leads to issues because the following are equivalent:
* 100 MB
* 100 MB
* 100 megabytes
* 100 mega-bytes
* 100000000 bytes
* 100,000,000 bytes
Is there a more explicit, less ambiguous way to denote units?
Eric Morgan