We invite your participation in *Endangered Data Week*
<http://endangereddataweek.org/>, a distributed network of events running
from April 17th-21st, 2017:
*Endangered Data Week* is a new, annual, grassroots effort to:
- raise awareness of threats to publicly available data of all kinds,
across sectors and disciplines;
- provide opportunities to explore the power dynamics of data creation,
sharing, privacy, and retention;
- build community capacity by teaching ways to make #EndangeredData
<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23EndangeredData> more accessible and
Browse for online events and opportunities near you: http://
endangereddataweek.org/map/ <http://endangereddataweek.org/map>
Nothing nearby? Please help make this first *EDW* a success by planning a
gathering and adding it
our list and map!
We especially encourage events that promote care for endangered collections
- publicizing the availability of datasets to diverse communities;
- increasing critical engagement with data, including through
visualization, analysis, and storytelling;
- encouraging activism and advocacy for open data policies;
- fostering needed skills through workshops on data curation,
documentation and discovery, improved access, and preservation.
Finally, we welcome contributions to our small supplementary collection
<https://wiki.diglib.org/Endangered_Data_Week> of *EDW* resources.
*Endangered Data Week* is facilitated by a dedicated team of volunteers,
including Brandon Locke and Jason A. Heppler, supported by the Digital
Library Federation <https://diglib.org/> and in partnership with a new
DLF interest group on Records Transparency/Accountability
<https://www.diglib.org/archives/13609/>, led by Rachel Mattson. Additional
supporters include DataRefuge <https://www.datarefuge.org/> and CLIR